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Behind every resume, is a person. . . you. You are talented, filled with compassion, dedicated, and loyal, ect. The problem is, your future employer doesn't see a face, he/she only sees the resume in front of them. How do you stand out from the rest? How do you translate your best qualities on to a simple piece of paper? As an employer, I have seen countless resumes pass through and only a handful actually stand out. Why do they stand out? They are the few that made me want to meet this person based on how their resume was written. Today, I would like to offer 5 TIPS to help you stand OUT.

Tip #1

Trash the Template Resume-

The template should be used as a guide, something to give you an idea how you want your information to be laid out. It should not be used as an "insert here" kind of form. Remember, you're not the only candidate submitting a resume, that your "template" resume looks and sounds like the next "template" resume. This tells me your lack of creativity and possibly laziness. On the flip side, you don't want something too extravagant and flamboyant either. Give me something easy to read and or something that traps my attention and want to read it. It comes down to content. Every employer in their respected industries know what a "sales rep" does or "manager of _____". I don't want to know nor care about that you know how to handle cash and operate a cash register. I want to know, what did you accomplish there? If you say you like to go the extra mile and you work very hard, then what did you accomplish from your efforts? That's what I am most interested in and that is what will make me want to call you in for an interview

Tip #2

Gwamar, spilling, punkuation, (Grammar, Spelling, Punctuation)-

This should be the #1 tip, there is NO room for error, when it comes to writing your resume. Sadly enough I have received dozens of resumes that I instantly toss into the "Do Not Hire" pile due to errors. This one is self explanatory, so I wount go into two much detail. <-------

Not only is it painful to read grammar and spelling errors, it tells me your lack of attention to detail. With all of our wonderful apps and spell checks, there is NO excuse to have any errors on your resume. NONE. Moving forward.


Keep it Current-

Keep all of your contact information current. Your email should not be "" (someone actually used this similiar address as their email). Two things that are wrong with this, (1) The obvious reason "iamgod" is NOT professional at all. (2) No one trusts or uses Yahoo anymore due to the high risk of viruses or hacks. Your phone number, should not only be current, but your voicemail needs to be set up as well. I don't particularly care for calling candidates and leaving them a message and not having a voicemail activated annoys me. If you do have a voicemail, make sure it is clean and simple. The little pranks on your voicemail message of you pretending to "answer" the phone then say "just kidding, haha I'm not here. leave me a message" is a quick way to lose my attention.


The Novel-

The 5 page resume is NOT necessary. No employer will sit down and read through the whole thing. 3 page maximum is best. The most important part of your resume is either the cover letter or the top half page of your resume. Why? That's the area that will determine if I keep reading your resume or not. Keep it simple and keep it interesting. Avoid using the overused words like "hard working" "fast learner""People friendly", these words blend in with all the other resumes that say the same. Speak with your personality, talk about your strong attributes, highlight your accomplishments and your resume will shine with your greatness. This tells me your level of self awareness and behaviours.


The Drop Off-

Whenever you are delivering your resume, make a point to get the person's name that you are handing your resume to. Make sincere eye contact, know what that person does for the company, and acquire their contact info. You want them to place a face to your resume so they can remember you. Your friendly encounter will help your resume stand out from the crowd and your resume will no longer be faceless.


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